Your Premier Sports Infrastructure Materials Manufacturer & Supplier in Kuwait

At Polska Fabryka Sportow, we take immense pride in being the leading provider of high-quality sports infrastructure materials in Kuwait. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we specialize in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of premium materials essential for various sports surfaces and facilities.

our product​s

Why choose us

High-Quality Materials

Customized Solutions

Global Expertise

Competitive Pricing

Innovative Solutions

Our Commitment to Kuwait

Our Dedication to Kuwait:

At Polska Fabryka Sportow, our commitment to Kuwait runs deep. We are not just a supplier; we are partners in the development of Kuwait’s sporting infrastructure. Our mission is to contribute to the growth of Kuwait’s sports community by providing top-notch materials and expertise that elevate athletic experiences and promote healthy lifestyles.

Local Expertise, Global Standards:

While we bring global expertise and innovation to Kuwait, we understand the importance of local context. Our team is well-versed in Kuwait’s unique environmental conditions, regulations, and cultural preferences, ensuring that our solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the Kuwaiti market.

Sustainable Solutions for a Sustainable Future:

As stewards of the environment, we are committed to sustainability in everything we do. From our manufacturing processes to our product selection, we prioritize eco-friendly materials and practices that minimize environmental impact and contribute to a greener future for Kuwait and beyond.

Empowering Kuwaiti Athletes:

We are passionate about supporting Kuwaiti athletes at every level of their journey. Whether it’s providing state-of-the-art surfaces for professional competitions or safe playgrounds for aspiring young talents, we believe in creating spaces where athletes can thrive, excel, and inspire the next generation.

Community Engagement and Collaboration:

Beyond business, we are actively involved in the Kuwaiti sports community. Through partnerships, sponsorships, and outreach programs, we aim to foster a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and sportsmanship, empowering individuals and communities to lead healthier, more active lives.

Your Trusted Partner in Sports Infrastructure:

When you choose Polska Fabryka Sportow, you’re not just choosing a supplier; you’re choosing a trusted partner committed to your success. With our unwavering dedication, expertise, and personalized service, we are here to support Kuwait’s vision for a vibrant, dynamic, and world-class sports landscape.

Let’s Build a Brighter Future Together:

Join us in shaping the future of sports in Kuwait. Together, we can create spaces where dreams are realized, champions are made, and the spirit of sportsmanship thrives. Get in touch with us today, and let’s embark on this journey together.


We Begin Every Project With An In-depth Consultation With The Client To Gain A Thorough Understanding Of Their Needs


Our Team Of Experts Creates A Detailed Design Plan That Includes All Necessary Components


We Present Plan To The Client Along With A Comprehensive Proposal That Outlines The Scope Of Work, Timeline, And Budget For The Project


Our Team Begins The Supply Process. We Use Only The Highest Quality Materials And Equipment, And We Adhere To Strict Safety Standards


We are Approved by

Our Catalogues

Our clientele

contact us

Thank you for considering Polska Fabryka Sportow for your sports infrastructure needs in Kuwait. Whether you have inquiries about our products, need assistance with a project, or simply want to learn more about how we can support your goals, we’re here to help.

Feel free to reach out to us via phone, email, or by filling out the contact form below. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to provide personalized assistance and guidance every step of the way.

Stay Connected:

Follow us on our social media platforms for the latest updates, news, and special offers:
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Request a Consultation:

We understand that every project is unique. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with our experts to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can bring your vision to life.



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